Sunday, May 4, 2014

My exposure to media

I have always had a fascination with popular culture. It's the reason I became a journalist in the first place. Though I don't get paid writing for Pulp Interest, it allows me to follow my passion of giving my opinion on music, films, books, TV series etc.

I access these forms of media through services such as Netflix and Spotify, and I visit the cinema and read quite often.

I always want to stay up to date with various types of news, and I do this online, on the television and by reading newspapers.

I also have accounts on various social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Google+, which connects me to my friends and people I am a fan of. I even have apps for these of my phone so that I can access them when I am out and about.

Overall, I would say I am very exposed to media.

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